Coldwell Banker R.M.R. Real Estate, Brokerage

Coldwell Banker R.M.R. Real Estate, Brokerage

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Basic Home Improvements

With prices on mostly everything increasing, bigger chunks are being taken out of our wallets every day.  You could save money on your home bills with a few home improvements.  Some improvements that help you save can actually add to the value of your home.

Two areas that you may be able to save are your Hydro and Water Bills.

There are many ways to save on your hydro bill.  You may have switched to compact fluorescent light bulbs already but there is more you can do.    Technology on L.E.D. light bulbs has come along way.  They are now cheaper to purchase and the look and colour of the bulbs is now equivalent to traditional incandescent bulbs.  You can find them at your local hardware of home improvement store.

Manage the temperature inside your house with a programmable or smart thermostat.  A programmable thermostat helps save energy and money by scheduling temperature settings for when you are likely to need heat and air conditioning.  A smart thermostat can be set to know when you are on your way home and have your home at the temperature you want when you arrive home.

If your home won't stay warm in winter and cool in the summer check your windows and doors.  Drafty windows can cause a big chunk of your heating and cooling losses.  You can apply new weather stripping to windows and doors to close up the leaks.  If you have older windows you may need to apply clear shrink film over the window which will add an extra barrier around the window preventing heat loss in the winter.

Installing timer switches that turn the lights (or exhaust fans) off after a predetermined amount of time can also help to save you money by not having lights and fans run while your not in the room.  Occupancy sensing light switches are also available.  These will detect if anyone is in the room or not and turn the lights on or off accordingly.

Ceiling fans can drastically help air flow throughout  your home, helping your furnace or air conditioner heat or cool more efficiently.

Your furnace filter is a very easy way to help your furnace perform how it was designed.  In the spring and fall replace the filters before you need to cool or heat your home.  Replacing the filter will also collect dust and dirt making your home cleaner and healthier.

Showering and bathing comprises 35% of Canadian household water usage.   You can install low flow shower heads and faucets which can dramatically decrease your water consumption.

Fix any leaky faucets and pipes to decrease your water bill.  If leaks are not repaired you could require more expensive repairs down the road.  A good habit to get into is to check your faucets and pipes for wear and tear every six months.  If you notice a leak have it fixed right away.

When doing your laundry and dishes, wait till the off peak hours of the day.

How old is your hot water tank?  New hot water tanks are much more efficient.  Consider a tankless water heater.  It may help save you money and the bonus is you will never run out of hot water again.

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